
There are 5 executive members of the student union who are elected by NSCAD students every year. The elected term begins on May 1st and ends on April 30th the following year. If you’re interested in running for one of the vacant positions – and if election nominations are not already closed – please check your NSCAD e-mail for details or e-mail suadmin@nscad.ca .

2024- 2025 SUNSCAD Executive


Owen Skeen


  • Maintains efficient administration of SUNSCAD
  • Be the CEO of the Union
  • Be the spokesperson for the Union (Represent the opinions of the Union as determined by Council)
  • Represent the Union at all official functions of the University, where possible
  • Represents SUNSCAD on the NSCAD Board of Governors.
  • Be an ex-officio member of all Student Union Committees
  • Exercise signing authority with the Resource Coordinator on the financial affairs of the Union
  • Have the authority to grant extended, paid, hours to executives
  • Call General Meetings when necessary by Council
  • Represents SUNSCAD on the Academic Senate.
  • Have the right to organize a committee of the student’s union on any issues of concern to the students
  • Liaises with the Alumni Association and FUNSCAD
  • Organizes student representation on all internal University Committees
  • Be the Staffing Relations Officer for temporary or permanent staff hired by the Union
  • Perform other duties as Council may from time to time determine

VP Finance

Chelsea Stilwell (they/them)


  • Responsible for the oversight of SUNSCAD budget
  • Sit on as many committees of the board as possible
  • Represents SUNSCAD on the NSCAD Board of Governors
  • Responsible for maintaining active communication with the members of the NSCAD Board of Governors
  • With the President and Council, develop briefs for submission to the Board
  • Ensure that paycheques are signed on payday
  • Meet regularly with the Resource Coordinator to go over finances
  • Present a monthly report to Council on the financial state of the Union
  • Ensure the expenditures are in accordance with the budget
  • Responsible for preparing SUNSCAD yearly budget for the AGM
  • Responsible with VP External for the development of campaigns and formulation of policy on social justice and human rights issues
  • Advocate for communications between NSCAD admin and students on supports for marginalized students
  • Act as a liaison between local non-profit social justice organizations, with VP External and Council
  • Coordinate information sessions, workshops etc. pertaining to local art community or social justice issues, as required
  • Be responsible for coordinating the SUNSCAD Food Bank and overseeing Food bank helpers
  • Perform other duties as Council may from time to time determine

VP Academic

Position vacant, please email other executives.

  • Responsible for the development and formulation of policy on academic matters
  • Advocates for students on academic matters
  • Advocate for communications between NSCAD administration and students on supports for marginalized students, alongside VP Finance & Equity
  • Represents SUNSCAD on the Academic Senate
  • If possible, represent the Union on university committees dealing with academic appeals, instructional assessment forms, and disciplinary action
  • File all documents regarding complaints with the Resource Coordinator that are brought to SUNSCAD’s attention. These will be kept for up to 7 years
  • Form the SUNSCAD Academic Committee when necessary
  • Perform such other duties as Council may from time to time determine

VP External

Mohammed Aadil Kallivalappil


  • Maintains the Union’s relationship with CFS-NS and CFS-FCEE
  • Responsible for implementing student campaigns which pertain to social justice and human rights, with VP Cultural
  • Coordinates attendance to conferences and meetings of affiliate student organizations and to be one of the delegates
  • Be responsible for informing students about those organizations.
  • Sits on at least one other committee within the University
  • Chairs the external committee of the Union
  • Acts as the liaison between local artist-run centres and SUNSCAD
  • Acts as the liaison between local non-profits, social justice organizations and SUNSCAD
  • Coordinates the NSCAD Foodbank in conjunction with VP Finance and Equity
  • Perform such other duties as Council may from time to time determine

VP Internal

Jewell Tan (she/her)


  • Responsible for effective outreach to members of SUNSCAD and the NSCAD student body
  • Distribute internal communications
  • Monitors and updates NSCAD bulletin boards
  • Responsible for updating and maintaining the SUNSCAD website
  • Coordinates at least one event per semester
  • Coordinate workshops and information sessions pertaining to issues in the NSCAD community
  • Be responsible for the collection of copy, layout, publication and distribution of the student publication
  • Be responsible for the coordination of the activities that initiate student participation in the student publication
  • Strike an Events committee when necessary and be the chair
  • Responsible for the oversight of Clubs and Collectives
  • Publish a list of active Clubs and Collectives by no later than Oct 31, of each Academic year and keep updated
  • Perform such other duties as shall be determined from time to time by Council