Health Plan

If you are a domestic student taking 9 credits you will automatically be added to the student health plan GreenShield. You won’t have to do anything. If you are just joining NSCAD for the first time this Winter 2024, your health plan will kick in approximately Feb 15th because Jan is the month everyone opts out in the Fall term, and we aren’t sure who will be on the plan until then. You will be covered until Aug 31, regardless of whether or not you are taking classes in the winter or summer.

In the meantime if you need to get prescriptions etc…, just hold onto your receipts and then submit them for reimbursement later in Feb. Here is some info on the plan.

The general coverage is

  • $1000 Psychology services, RCTS, and Social workers ( $100 covered / visit)
  • $750 Basic dental (co pay is 30%)
  • $2000 Medical (co pay 20%)
  • $100 every 2 years for glasses or contacts and a free eye exam
  • 60 days of Travel coverage outside of the country
  • Online Mental Health Services
  • Mobile App, Pocket Pills for easy prescription refills
  • Recent Grads Plan
  • Legal advice for things ranging from landlord, employer, criminal, immigration, and more
  1. Go to

You don’t receive a Green Shield health card. If you want one you can make one online through the Green Shield website. To use the plan you just need to know:

Provider: Green Shield

Policy number: SUN(Student ID# without the first two zero’s)-00

Ex. ID# 0011223


You can register starting in the middle of Oct, once Green Shield knows about you. That is the easiest way and fastest way to get reimbursed for claims. Here is info on how to do that.


Printing your Card:

  • Go to
  • After Registering, log into your Green Shield account
  • Click on the arrow next to your name in the top right corner
  • Click “Your GSC Account”
  • Click “Print my ID Card”

If you have questions regarding the Green Shield plan please e-mail Chris Parsons, the SUNSCAD Finance Executive, at 

International Students Health Plan

Here is the link for the NSCAD International Student Health Plan

Opt-out (Green Shield only)

If you already have extended coverage and would like to opt out of the Green Shield plan, you must do so during the opt-out period, which is the first term that you start school.

The Fall Semester opt-out period is Sept 1 – 31

If you start in the Winter term the opt-out period would be January 1 – 31. If you miss the opt-out period you will not be able to opt out of the plan until the next year. During this same period students can pay extra and opt-in dependents to the plan.

For more info on family opt-in please speak to the SUNSCAD Finance Executive, Chris Parsons, at

How to Opt-out
    • Follow prompts. Print out your confirmation and save your e-mail confirmation
    • SUNSCAD will send an e-transfer to the e-mail address listed in the opt out process. You should receive your cheque by the end of Jan 2024.

For any issues arising from the Health Insurance Coverage, please contact the SUNSCAD Finance Executive, Chris Parsons, at